First India News Channel can be, undoubtedly, said to be the voice of the people of Rajasthan- representing the young, vibrant progressive state of Rajasthan. Launching its operations with world-class technology in India, First India News is a broadcasting company and one of the leading news channels in Rajasthan. First India is a highly reliable source and probably the most trusted for political news. Its content is originally produced. It is also known to be the first to break the news always, without fail, as its tagline says "Sabse Aage, Sabse Pahale.”

A new chapter was added in 2018 in the history of electronic journalism of Rajasthan. Jagdish Chandra aka Jagdish "Katil", the regional head of Zee News Rajasthan left the channel and joined First India News. He has made a bang as the Chief Managing Director of First India News Channel.
Let us tell you that about a year and a half ago, Jagdish Chandra left ETV Rajasthan and took over as the regional head of Zee News Rajasthan.
About a year and a half ago, when Jagdish Chandra left ETV Rajasthan and joined Zee News. It was being speculated that it would be difficult for Zee News Rajasthan to get number one status by beating ETV Rajasthan in Rajasthan, but owing to Jagdish Chandra's administrative skills, that target was achieved quite quickly.
First India, under the able administration of Jagdish Chandra, has soared to new heights. It has become the ‘most viewed’ news channel of the state.
It is also noteworthy that former IAS officer Jagdish Chandra had left JDA with a profit of about 7000 crores while being JDA Commissioner in Jaipur Development Authority. Prior to that, JDA always lived in dire straits, but due to the efficient administration of Jagdish Chandra, the Jaipur Development Authority got a profit of Rs 7000 crore. Due to which, this institution is counted as one of the top institutions of Rajasthan today. The iron of the administrative talent of Jagdish Chandra is very popular not only in bureaucracy but also in Rajasthan government.
Later Jagdish Chandra took over ETV Rajasthan by taking a VRS from the post of IAS. Under his leadership, ATV Rajasthan has always been number one in the ETV channels across the country. Seeing this efficiency, Zee News had offered Jagdish Chandra to join it.
With 1 million twitter followers, 1.3 million facebook followers and 2.27 million subscribers, First India has left an indelible mark on its viewers- that has a surprisingly wide demographic range!
Shankar Patel

Social Entrepreneur CEO/Founder @digitalmarwar

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